Your Personal Details

Your information and data are necessary for placing and tracking your order as well as managing in the best way our relationship.

We also need to keep your information and data for security reasons, both for being in compliance with the law and for providing you the most personalised services.

Products Safety

Alice’s Outdoor works closely with the authorities and manufacturers in terms of security. This way, if one of us informs the us that a product needs to be called back, we just stop selling the product immediately and send an email to our customers who already bought it. We inform them with the decisions taken by the authorities or the manufacturer.

Choosing A Safe Password

We highly recommend you to choose a safe password. Please avoid using the same password for all your accounts on different websites.

Ideally, your password needs to contain at least 6 characters, and at least 1 letter and 1 number. Avoid using your name, your date of birth, or any other frequently used words such as: “password” or “123456”.